Accounting Transactions, Vouchers

All vouchers used to request payments to vendors or individuals, including:
- Iowa State University Vouchers
- Honorarium or Expense Vouchers
- Refund Vouchers
- Campus Organization Vouchers
- Ames Lab Vouchers

Also includes supporting documentation (invoices, receipts, etc.) submitted with vouchers

Exception: Ames Lab does not submit invoices or receipts with its vouchers and is therefore responsible for retaining the invoices and receipts at its location for 10 years.

See also "Debit Memos" and "Reimbursements to Employees"

Last updated: 06 Apr 2010

Active Retention

Retention: Retain until posted on Access Plus Image - AC system (usually in two weeks)
Managed By: Department

Inactive Retention

Retention: 10 fiscal years
Stored By: Controller's Department

Data Classification

Restricted if contains identification information
Regulatory Basis: Social Security Number Protection Policy

Disposal Method

Confidential destruction if record contains any sensitive content



For questions about this record type, contact: Controller's Department