Accounting Corrections and Transfers |
Accounting Statements - Departmental, Project |
Accounting Transactions, Debit Memos |
Accounting Transactions, Intramural |
Accounting Transactions, Reimbursements to Employees prior to July 1, 2009 |
Accounting Transactions, Reimbursements to Employees since July 1, 2009 |
Accounting Transactions, Travel Reimbursements |
Accounting Transactions, Vouchers |
Accounts Receivable Accounting Reconciliation and Activity Reports |
Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous |
Accounts Receivable Student/Customer Records |
Admissions Records (Student) |
Bank Reconciliation Workpapers |
Board of Regents Submissions |
Calendars, University |
Capital Leases and Other Long Term Debt |
Cash Reports and Credit Memos |
Centers and Institutes - Historical |
Centers and Institutes - Operations |
Check Registers |
Contracts - Permanent Retention |
Contracts - Ten Year Retention |
Contracts - Two Year Retention |
Correspondence |
Course Enrollment Tallies |
Courses, Interdisciplinary |
Data--Confidential, Protected, Sensitive |
Debit Memos |
Deposits Online |
Deposits: Cash Reports |
Deposits: Credit Memos |
Deposits: Supporting Documentation |
Employee Activity Summary of Effort (EASE) Reports |
Employment Files, LGBT Student Services |
Enrollment |
Environmental Health & Safety |
Facilities and Administrative Cost (F&A) Workpapers |
Facilities: Small Projects - Maintenance, Repair, Improvements |
Financial - Iowa State Center |
Financial Report Workpapers |
Flat Runs by Fund Account Number |
Gifts, Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements |
Graduate Scholarship System |
Graduation Lists |
Handbooks |
Hold Records |
Intramural Transactions |
Inventory, Equipment - Active |
Inventory, Equipment - Inactive |
Iowa State Center |
IRS Forms 1099-MISC |
ISU Surplus |
Leave, Vacation and Sick |
Loans Receivable Account Reconcilation and Reports |
Loans Receivable Student Records |
Mail Instruction Cards, ISU Postal & Parcel Services |
Membership Bid Cards, Greek Chapters |
Mission Statements |
Museums |
Organization Charts |
Payroll Reports |
Personnel / Payroll - Iowa State Center |
Policies and Procedures |
Policies and Procedures, Grievance or Complaint |
Procurement |
Procurement - Contracts |
Procurement - cyBUY Purchase Order Records |
Procurement - P-Card Records |
Procurement - Purchase Orders/Requisitions |
Procurement - Request for Quote (RFQ) / Request for Proposal (RFP) |
Program Review |
Real Estate - Land and Buildings |
Receipts |
Record Type Submission Form [DOC] |
Reiman Gardens - CoHort Membership Forms |
Reiman Gardens - Rental Contract |
Reimbursements to Employees |
Research Involving Human Subjects |
Scholarship Applications, Departmental |
Scholarship Applications, Sloss Women's Center |
Scholarship Files, LGBT Student Services |
Scholarships Awarded, Departmental |
Signature Authorizations, Departmental / Unit |
Social Security Number |
Special Events and Occasions |
Sponsored Programs Award Files |
Sponsored Programs Financial Reports |
Sponsored Programs Unfunded Proposals |
Student Counseling Services - Clinical Records |
Student Health Center - Medical Records |
Student Health Center - Pharmacy Records |
Student Support Services Program (SSSP) Participant Records |
Tax Returns, Forms |
Travel |
Tutor Recipient Record, Academic Success Center |
Vouchers |
Wage Hour Reports |