Contracts - Ten Year Retention

The "default" retention for contracts, agreements and licenses is 10 years after the contract has expired or has been terminated. Exceptions to this norm are specifically listed as "Contracts - [xxx]" in the Records Retention Schedule. See also the entry for "Historically Significant" in the Records Retention Schedule.

Responsibility for the retention of contracts lies with the department ("relevant administrative unit") that primarily negotiates, benefits from, or is obligated by the contract.

Examples of contracts to be retained for 10 years include:

Collaborative or Cooperative Research (VPR)
Collaborative or Cooperative Teaching (SVPP)
Conference Services (Extension or other host department)
Construction (FP&M)
Employment (University Counsel/Athletics)
Fee for Service (service unit)
Game (Athletics)
Gift Agreements (Foundation)
Grants (VPR)
Housing (Department of Residence)
Insurance (Risk Management)
Intellectual Property (IP) Licenses (university IP - ISURF/OIPTT)
Internet Services (ITS)
Internship Agreements (Student Service Learning)
Leases and Facility Use Agreements – Long Term (more than one year)
Material Transfer Agreements /MTA (OSPA)
Non-Disclosure Agreements / NDA (OSPA)
Professional Service Agreements (Procurement Services)
Purchasing Agreements (Procurement Services)
Software Licenses for University Use (individually negotiated - ITS/Procurement Services)
Sponsorship Support Agreements
Trademark Agreements (Trademark Licensing Office)

Last updated: 19 Nov 2021

Active Retention

Retention: Throughout term of contract / of interaction with other party
Managed By: Relevant Administrative Unit

Inactive Retention

Retention: 10 fiscal years – after the expiration or termination of the contract
Stored By: Relevant Administrative Unit

Permanent Retention

Archived By: N/A

Data Classification

Restricted if contains sensitive content

Disposal Method

Confidential destruction if record contains any sensitive content



For questions about this record type, contact: University Counsel